Our offer

Standardlösungen zu attraktiven Konditionen

Discover the possibilities ReputationCloud® offers you and make the right choice for your business. Contact our team of experts to learn more about our offerings and find a customized solution that perfectly fits your needs.


Für Einzeluser
ab 99,-
EUR pro Monat
Die ideale Einstiegsversion
über 10 überwachte Portale
Benachrichtigung per Mail
tägliche Aktualisierung
Sentimentanalyse mit KI
Relevanzanalyse mit KI
Unterstützung durch Fachberater
Erweiterbar und konfigurierbar
API Schnittstelle


Für Unternehmen
on request
Die flexible Profi-Version
über 200 überwachte Portale
Benachr. per Mail und SMS
Aktualisierungen konfigurierbar
Sentimentanalyse mit KI
Relevanzanalyse mit KI
Unterstützung durch Fachberater
Erweiterbar und Konfigurierbar

ReputationCloud® offers on the one hand "Software as a Service", i.e. we grant our customers online access to our software on the basis of a monthly or annual subscription. In this case, the license owner remains ITEXON GmbH.

On the other hand, with our enterprise solution you have the option of purchasing licenses and compiling the individual modules according to your own requirements in addition to the basic license.

Yes, our team of experts is constantly analyzing new data sources and techniques so that you, the customer, can always benefit from the latest advances in the field.

No, we consider it services to add new features to our software. Future new software versions with additional or different features will also be offered at different prices.

Our enterprise solution offers the necessary flexibility to handle even large and very specialized tasks. Please get in touch with us.

Reputation Plan

Our packages and their solutions summarized

ReputationCloud® Competitor Comparison and Market Analysis is a software solution that provides the core functionality of ReputationCloud® also for the analysis of your regional and nationwide competitors and offers extensive evaluation options.

Main features

Standard version

Enterprise version

Überwachte Portale

über 10

über 200, einzeln erweiterbar


Webapp und Mail

Webapp, Mail und SMS

Tägliche Datenaktualisierungen

Sentimentanalyse mit künstlicher Intelligenz

Relevanzanalyse mit künstlicher Intelligenz

Unterstützung durch Fachberater

Erweiterbar und konfigurierbar

Integration durch API-Schnittstelle

Contact us now!

Offering you the optimal solution means for us: Committed and friendly customer service and high competence in software development

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