• Image 02
    Do you really know what is written about you, your products and your business on the internet?
  • Image 02
    Be the first to know about negative reviews!
  • Image 03
    Measure and control the development of long-term and gradual decay processes!

These are the benefits at a glance

  • Representation of long-term customer satisfaction for the recognition of creeping expiration processes
  • Uniform grading system to compare different rating platforms
  • Display of positive and negative customer comments with direct link to the portals
  • Sentiment analysis: Linguistic evaluation of the comments presented by the main social media portals
  • Implication of general rating portals such as Google, Yelp, Foursquare, KennstDuEinen, GoLocal, Kununu and industry-specific trade portals.

The analysis software for your online image

  • Automated and time-controlled publication of postings on your social media portals as well as the detailed presentation of the feedbacks
  • Daily analysis of German-language news portals for company-relevant press releases
  • TrustIndex: Show your cumulative valuations transparently to the public with our trustmark
  • Continuous development and regular updates

Additional features of the ReputationCloud®

  • Detailed competition and market analysis
  • Survey Tool
Keep an eye on the press portals as well!

Reputation management is a long-term task!

The greatest danger to your image are creeping decay processes during a longer time, some of which occur over many years. ReputationCloud® reveals them. Within 24 hours of system configuration, you will receive the actual status to develop future business strategies.

Use all the possibilities of our analysis software

Portal Analysis

ReputationCloud® determines all relevant comments about your company, your products, your brands or services and a lot more. It uses leading review portals and social media platforms.Rating portalsNegative comments or ratings will promptly inform you by e-mail or SMS so that you are alerted at an early stage about a potentially dangerous situation and can prepare an appropriate response.

Competition Analysis

With the optional module "Competitive Comparison" the ReputationCloud® does not only present all the important indicators for your own company and locations / industries, but also for your competition. On this way, you gain further important insights, because the analysis can be applied nationwide, regionally, but also to individual products or brands. You quickly recognize the weaknesses and strengths of your competitors. That gives you information for decisions ref. your marketing strategy.

Press Portals

ReputationCloud® scans all German-language online press portals every day. This can be both, specialist portals in your industry, but also famous news portals like n-tv, n24, focus, as well as online portals of regional and national daily newspapers. So you will continuously find publications about your company, products / services or brands.

So erfahren Sie kontinuierlich, wo über Ihr Unternehmen, Ihre Produkte/Leistungen oder auch Marke berichtet wird.

Social Media Management

Für die effiziente Planung Ihrer Kampagnen auf den von Ihnen genutzten Social-Media Plattformen hält die ReputationCloud® ein sehr wirksames Werkzeug bereit. Sie erhalten z.B. Kenntnis darüber, wann die meisten Ihrer Kontakte in den sozialen Netzwerken aktiv sind. Planen Sie tages- und zeitgenau Ihre Postings, passend zu den Zeiten, zu denen die meisten Ihrer Kontakte online sind. Profitieren Sie von den ausführlichen Auswertungen zu den gesendeten Posts, die für weitere Marketingmaßnahmen sehr wichtig sein können.

Survey Management

Holen Sie sich aktiv das Feedback Ihrer Kunden. Studien haben ergeben, dass die Wahrscheinlichkeit auf negative Kommentare im Internet deutlich sinkt, wenn Kunden die Möglichkeit haben, vor Ort Ihre Bewertung abzugeben. Erstellen Sie mit unserem Umfrage-Management entsprechende Kampagnen und gewinnen Sie wichtige Erkenntnisse wie z.B. eigene Schwachstellen, um interne Prozesse optimieren zu können.


Setzen Sie auf transparente Außendarstellung.

With our Trustmark das mit der ReputationCloud® verknüpft ist, stellen Sie Ihr Online-Image glaubwürdig dar. Alle kumulierten Bewertungen und Kommentare sorgen dafür, dass sich der angezeigte Wert stetig verändert. Das sorgt bei Kunden und Interessenten für mehr Vertrauen.


Curious? Interested? Stay in touch with us. Register for our newsletter and receive regular updates on new product developments and news on reputation


Do you have any questions or are you interested in an individual solution for your company? Our consultants are available by phone

Individual adjustments to your company structure
+49 221 986589-54
The internet, is what your
potential customers mean to
know about you

Time is money

Customer reviews

There are many review portals and always there are new ones. Do you really know them all? Do you have time to monitor them manually? All these portals have different rating systems, e.g. Stars, percentages, grades, etc. Do you have the time to put all these systems on a consistent scale to compare them? Make better use of your time for operative business and let ReputationCloud® do the work for you quickly, comprehensively and reliably.

Save time and money!

Fast reaction

Do you really know what is written about you, your care facility or nursing service on the internet? Do you have time to keep track of all the comments in the social media portals? For example, how long does it take you to find out that a person (possibly a competitor) posts false negative comments about you or your company? ReputationCloud® tracks these activities and informs you of suspicious comments that may lead to an image damage. The sooner you know about it, the faster you can react and avoid critical situations up to a shitstorm

Social Media Posting

Do actively influence the positive image of your business on the internet by keeping your social media pages up to date with interesting information about your business, service or special activity. This will improve your online presence and thus your online reputation. ReputationCloud® offers you a powerful but also convenient tool to publish interesting posts on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ etc. at the same time.

Marketing effectiveness tracking

Have you spent a lot of money on a new PR campaign? How do you recognize the impact of the campaign on your image? With ReputationCloud®, you can measure the impact of your PR campaigns and see in a clear presentation whether the number of Likes and contacts has increased. Other relevant indicators show you how search engine ranking develops and whether SEO campaigns have been effective. So you can see directly how efficient your marketing or PR campaigns really are.

Latest news

ReputationCloud presents website with new corporate design

Now the time has come! Success doesn't come overnight. We can confirm that. Several years of hard work have shown us that we are on the right track with our software ReputationCloud. We are constantly developing it so that our customers continuously benefit from new and modern features. It was therefore important for us to implement a significant and powerful corporate design now.

ReputationCloud receives App approval for Instagram

We are very happy that ReputationCloud has been approved as an app connecting with Instagram, i. e. Instagram allows us to scan the relevant data via an interface and present it to our customers in the context of online reputation management.

ReputationCloud: Vorstand erweitert

Wir freuen uns Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass ReputationCloud ihr Management zum 30.06.2016 erweitert hat. Es wurde ein Vorstand ins Leben gerufen und Thomas Bahr und Angel Arcos wurden zu Vorstandsmitgliedern ernannt. Thomas Bahr übernimmt das Ressort „Vertrieb und Marketing“, Angel Arcos das Ressort „Technik“. CEO Adrian Taciulescu, bisher alleiniger Geschäftsführer der ReputationCloud, wurde zum …

Why you can trust us

Already 3 years ago, we presented our successful software on the German speaking market. The CEO, Dipl. Inform. Adrian Taciulescu, has been working on the subject for more than 5 years and is the first expert for online reputation to be a member of the BDSF. His expertise has already led many companies through times of crisis. Our competence team also faces difficult challenges to protect the good reputation of your name, brand or company.

German servers for your security

Post your advertising, job adverts or discount promotions quickly, easily and for free on all social media portals and monitor the success with the ReputationCloud ®

Explanatory videos

Rating of companies

Individual software solutions desired? Talk to us: +49 221 986589-54
